Russia proceeds from principle of territorial integrity in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict`s resolution, says Valentina Matvienko

Russia makes every effort to facilitate the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The statement came from the Chairperson of the Federal Council of Russia Valentina Matvienko at the press conference after the meeting with Ogtay Asadov, speaker of Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis) in Baku on Monday.
Several trilateral meetings of the Russian, Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents held at the initiative of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev focused on the compromise peace accord, Matvienko said.
Asked about the role of parliaments in the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Matvienko said in this matter Russia acts under UN Security Council resolutions and is guided by international law.
The Sochi meeting of the presidents was very effective. The Presidents signed a tripartite declaration. I believe that this statement will accelerate the search of the format for problem solution, Matvienko said.
At the same time we want to increase the role of parliaments in conflict settlement, Matvienko said. "We believe that in order to achieve an equitable solution to the problem, first and foremost, we must create an atmosphere of trust and the parliaments can promote this process," according to Russian politician.
Matvienko emphasized that the potential of the OSCE Minsk Group has not been exhausted. "Russia, as a co-chair, will continue to make efforts to find compromise solutions. In this regard, we rely on international law and principles of territorial integrity," she said.
Speaking about negotiations between Russia and Azerbaijan on Gabala radar station, Matvienko said that negotiations are underway. "The agreement on Gabala station is in the interest of Russia and Azerbaijan," she added.



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