Baku hosts 2nd ordinary session of Euronest PA

Azerbaijan`s capital hosted the 2nd ordinary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.
Held at Azerbaijan`s parliament, the Milli Majlis, the session brought together representatives from 15 EU countries and 40 members of the European Parliament.
Borys Tarasyuk, Co-President of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, who chaired the session, hailed Azerbaijan`s organization of the event.
Kristian Vigenin, Co-President of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly, called Azerbaijan the capital of Eastern Europe.
He stressed the importance of the session both in terms of the number of participants and its organization.
Stefan Fule, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, emphasized the role of parliamentary diplomacy in developing relations between countries. He expressed confidence parliamentary diplomacy would have a positive impact on settlement of existing problems, including the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Fule praised Azerbaijan`s achievements since the country restored its independence 20 years ago. He said Azerbaijan was a model of tolerance and secularism. Fule said Azerbaijan`s economy was rapidly developing and the country was renewing its infrastructure.
"Azerbaijan was elected a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, the country is hosting high-profile international events, including the session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. The country is preparing to host the Eurovision song contest. And it`s no coincidence that for the first time the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly`s session takes place outside Brussels - in Baku."
Fule said great hopes were pinned on Azerbaijan.
The session featured the Adoption of amendments to the Rules of Procedure.
The event also featured debates on a Draft Resolution on challenges for the future of democracy, including the question of free and independent media in Eastern Partnership and EU countries, which was presented by the Euronest PA Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy; a Draft Resolution on trade agreements between the EU and the Eastern European Partners, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas, and the EU assistance in this field, which was presented by the Euronest PA Committee on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies; a Draft Resolution on strengthening of civil society in the Eastern Partnership Countries, including the question of cooperation between government and civil society, and the question of the reforms aimed at empowerment of civil society, which was presented by the Euronest PA Committee on Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society; and a Draft Resolution on energy security, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy infrastructure: developments in the Eastern Partnership and in the EU countries, which was presented by the Euronest PA Committee on Energy Security.
All four draft resolutions were adopted by the session participants.
The session will continue its work on Wednesday.



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