Euronest PA`s 2nd session kicks off in Baku

The second session of Euronest Parliament Assembly started in the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) here.
The delegation will hold a meeting today with Speaker of Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov within the framework of the session.
Meetings of Euronest PA`s Committees on Economic Integration, Legal Approximation and Convergence with EU Policies, Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy, Energy Security, Social Affairs, Education, Culture and Civil Society will be held as part of the session.
Bureau meeting of the Euronest PA and an official opening of the 2nd session of the Assembly will be arranged on Tuesday.
Meetings of European People`s Party, Socialists and Democrats political group also will be held.
The session participants will hold series of meetings and visit Sangachal Terminal.



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