Kyrgyz President meets Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister

On March 30th President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev met Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade. 
President Atambayev expressed satisfaction with his visit to Azerbaijan. The Kyrgyz President expressed confidence that his negotiations with President Ilham Aliyev would contribute to development of bilateral cooperation in all spheres.
President Atambayev touched upon prospects for economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. He said favorable conditions exist to boost relations between the two countries` business circles.
Prime Minister Artur Rasizade briefed President Atambayev on the ongoing economic reforms in Azerbaijan.
Prime Minister Rasizade said President Atambayev`s official visit to Azerbaijan would contribute to expansion of economic cooperation between the two countries.
They also discussed other issues of mutual interest.



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