Czechia hosts meeting of GUAM Foreign Ministerial Council

A meeting of GUAM Foreign Ministerial Council under the chairmanship of Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has been held in Czechia. 
The participants reviewed "The Chairmanship Program of the Republic of Azerbaijan".
The National Coordination Committee was instructed to prepare an action plan for the execution of the program.
The participants reached an agreement to agree a "Plan of mutual activity of diplomatic representations of GUAM countries accredited in UN, OSCE, Council of Europe and other organizations based in Vienna".
Foreign Ministerial Council welcomed Azerbaijan`s proposal to intensify relations between Azerbaijan and OSCE, organize GUAM Secretary General's visit to Vienna.
The meeting also featured discussions on the cooperation and coordination among GUAM member countries within international organizations.
The Foreign ministers thanked Azerbaijan for its initiative to hold a Foreign Ministerial Council meeting.



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