Azerbaijan, Malaysia discuss development of bilateral ties (03.03.2012)

On March 3rd Head of the Azerbaijani President`s Administration, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev and other state and government officials had a meeting with visiting former Malaysian Premier Mahathir Mohamad. 
They exchanged views on development of bilateral relations as well as the work to be carried out as part of "Azerbaijan 2020: vision into the future" development conception.
The Azerbaijani side pointed out positive changes in Malaysia recent years, expressing Azerbaijan`s interest in benefiting from Malaysia`s experience.
The Azerbaijani officials said the country`s major priority was to build up creative policy and modernize and diversify national economy.
The Malaysian former Premier spoke of his country`s experience and responded to questions from the Azerbaijani officials.
Following the event the Malaysian Premier responded to questions from journalists, covering the issues of Azerbaijan`s future development and the two countries` relations.
He stressed the importance of conducting an exchange of information between Azerbaijan and Malaysia. According to him, this can include organizing reciprocal courses, building human resources, and planning.
"These are very important issues. This can be beneficial for our cooperation," he added.



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