Azerbaijan, Argentina: development of relations serves mutual interests

On March 2nd Premier of the Republic of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade met with the visiting foreign minister of Argentina Hector Timerman. 
Premier Rasizade noted the intensified relations between Azerbaijan and Argentina, saying the opening of Argentina's embassy would promote speedy expansion of cooperation links.
The Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict was also in focus of talks. Rasizade informed on the conflict, noting that Azerbaijan upholds peaceful solution to the problem, while it doesn't exclude other ways of solution of the conflict.
Foreign minister of Argentina Hector Timerman hailed opening of his country`s embassy in Baku underlining that it is an important step and the embassy will be Argentina's first diplomatic mission in the South Caucasus region.
Touching upon the Armenia Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Timerman said implementation of the UN Resolutions on unconditional liberation of the occupied lands is necessary.



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