Turkey-Azerbaijan interparliamentary friendship group makes statement on Khojaly genocide

The Turkey-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship group made a statement on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Khojaly Genocide.
The chairman of the group Necdet Unuvar said the Khojaly massacre was planned and those, who committed this vandalism, have not been yet punished.
The statement says: "At night from February 25 to 26 the Armenian armed forces occupied the town of Khojaly. The occupation was carried out with active support of several units of the Russian Army`s 366th regiment. Occupation of Khojaly was followed with unprecedented brutalities against the civilian population. In a few hours the aggressors killed 613 innocent and unarmed people. Among them were 106 women, 83 children. 56 people were killed with special brutality. 8 families were totally exterminated. 25 children were totally, and 130 children were partly orphaned. 476 people became disabled persons (of them 76 were minors). 1275 people were taken into hostage and even though afterwards most of the hostages were released from captivity, the fates of 150 of them are still unknown."
The Turkey-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship group supports Azerbaijan in resolution of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Armenia must release all occupied territories of Azerbaijan and fulfill all resolutions of the UN and other international organizations.



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