Premier of Azerbaijan meets Ukrainian delegation

On July 19th Premier of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade met the visiting Ukrainian delegation led by Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko.
Prime Minister Rasizade spoke of strategic partnership of Azerbaijan and Ukraine, the high level of political, economic and cultural ties, noting that reciprocal visits serve strengthening of coop and further expansion of relations. The signed documents among the two countries, as underlined, also contribute to this final goal.
The Premier also highlighted about the accomplishments Azerbaijan reached last years, the ongoing economic state programs, and priorities of the country's foreign policy.
Foreign Minister of Ukraine Kostyantyn Gryshchenko expressed gratitude for receiving by President Ilham Aliyev, saying the visits will give impetus to further co-op. Ukraine is interested in cooperation with Azerbaijan in versatile spheres, Gryshchenko said.
Parties had also exchange of views on certain questions of mutual interest.



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