Bryza says Turkey`s position right on so-called Armenian genocide

Turkey is right on the so-called Armenian genocide, former U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza said in an interview with Turkish Hurriyet Daily newspaper.
"It's not the business of politicians in any country to characterize events as genocide or not as genocide," Bryza noted.
On January 23 the French senate adopted the law criminalizing the denial of the so-called Armenian genocide.
Bryza said it has to be up to societies, not to others, to have a decision taken based on a political calendar. He noted truth is on everyone side, especially on Turkey's side. "The debate about this issue is really one-sided right now."
"If you believe there was a genocide committed, you can equally argue looking from a narrow definition of the word that genocide was committed to many others, against Turks or Muslims, in eastern Anatolia," Bryza said.



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