"Parliament of France has nothing to do with evaluation of history", Vice-Speaker of French Senate

As earlier reported, the members of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Youth Union sent appeals to the French Parliament and every senator. Deputy Chairman of the French Senate Jean-Claude Carle responded to letter of the Youth Union, YAP press service said. 
In his letter, Jean Claude Carle said that he considers the French Senate`s bill against negation of the so-called "Armenian genocide" inappropriate and unnecessary: "I consider the bill penalizing the denial of genocide recognized by law inappropriate and unnecessary because of three reasons. First, French Parliament can`t deal with the evaluation of the history: it is a deal of commission of historians and I consider that it would be appropriate to create an international group of historians. Secondly, our current legislation and constitutional basis gives an opportunity to punish the negationists. And, thirdly, urgent questions of the French Parliament are not adoption of memory bills. "



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