YAP Deputy chairman-executive secretary: Armenia must recognize rights of expelled Azerbaijanis

Deputy chairman-executive secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Ali Ahmadov has said Armenia must recognize the rights of expelled Azerbaijanis.
He spoke to an opening meeting of the Milli Majlis` spring session.
"This year marks the 65th anniversary of massive expulsion of Azerbaijanis from Armenia. Many nations were deported from their native lands during Stalin`s regime. But later most of these nations were repatriated to their homelands and had their rights restored. Unfortunately, except Azerbaijanis," he noted.
Ahmadov also called on the parliament to express its position on "the expulsion which resulted in the killing of tens of thousands of innocent people and the annihilation of a big culture".
"The parliament should include the issue of the recognition of the rights of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia into the agenda, and then make a decision," the YAP Deputy chairman-executive secretary said.



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