Azerbaijan welcomes Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev

Azerbaijan welcomes Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and hopes for fair and continuous settlement of the problem, said permanent representative of Azerbaijan to UN Agshin Mehdiyev in the UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday.
The Ambassador pointed out that unlike forces who raise baseless and illegal territorial claims, Palestinian people`s rights to self-determination and statehood were recognized.
Mehdiyev stressed that Azerbaijan supports peace in Palestine and this country`s UN membership. He called on all sides to respect international humanitarian law and human rights, adding UN Security Council has to take relevant steps to put an end such illegal acts.
Azerbaijani representative also touched on latest situation in Syria and expressed anxiety over the facts of human rights abuses and violation of stability in this country.
UN Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco said in spite of tension, Israeli-Palestinian meetings create opportunity to achieve stable peace.
Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations stressed that Palestinian people hope to achieve freedom, justice, peace, and security.
Permanent representative of Israel to the UN underscored that danger and human rights abuses are continuing in the region and Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not the only problem in the region.
The other speakers also pointed out importance to increase support to the Arab League`s efforts towards Syrian problem.



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