Russia and Turkey keen in quick settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict

Russia and Turkey are interested in quick settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, reported AzerTAc, quoting the joint statement by ministers Sergey Lavrov and Ahmed Davutoglu placed at official website of the Foreign Ministry of Russia, as saying. 
The document states that in the course of the meeting in Moscow, the ministers have exchanged views on the situation on the South Caucasus.
The sides have confirmed common aspiration to maintenance of the atmosphere of stable peace, security and stability in region. The ministers admit that all the Caucasian states should refrain from application of force or threat by force, to adhere to exclusively peace ways of settlement of conflicts in region.
Lavrov and Davutoglu underlined importance of the development of humanitarian, cultural and trade, as well as economic relations, as factor of establishment and strengthening of good-neighborhood in region.
They also underlined interest in quick settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, expressing hope that the work carried out by Azerbaijan and Armenia on settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict with intermediary of the OSCE Minsk Group will shortly yield the results.
The sides confirmed that the additional impulse to peace process was given by the Joint statement of the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia on the Nagorno Karabakh settlement on January 23, 2012.
The Statement underlines that the intention of Russia and Turkey is to continue to use the potential for rendering of stabilizing influence on the situation in the conflict zone.



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