Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry issues statement on French Senate`s bill criminalizing denial of so-called Armenian genocide

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan has issued a statement on the bill adopted by the French Senate criminalizing denial of the so-called Armenian genocide. 
The statement says the Republic of Azerbaijan expresses deep sorrow for the adoption of the bill "Considering the criminalization of denial of existence of genocides recognized by law" by French Senate on January 23, 2012 and condemns this decision. The French Senate`s unilateral steps, which are contrary to the principles of democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and expression, can seriously damage this country`s participation in some regional processes and cause several unpleasant consequences.
The statement goes on to say that French parliamentarians, who are turning a blind eye to the violation of the rights of about one million Azerbaijanis and occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani lands as a result of aggression by Armenia in the end of the 20th century, use this decision for their political goals and cast doubts on the objectivity of France. The Republic of Azerbaijan once again condemns this step of the French Senate and calls France to view historical events impartially and not to turn such issues into political game.



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