Last year saw great progress in US-Azerbaijan relations, Eric Rubin

The great progress has been made in development of US-Azerbaijan relations last year and these ties will boost this year as well, said US Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Eric Rubin in the press conference connected with his two-day Azerbaijan visit. 
Rubin pointed out US government is ready to help Azerbaijani side in all issues. Our countries share many problems and interests.
Rubin stressed he held fruitful meetings with the state officials and representatives of the civil society and discussed important issues during his first official visit to Azerbaijan.
The US official noted Azerbaijan has won the Eurovision song contest and was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and described these events as `portentous`.
Rubin also highlighted that he witnessed rapid development in the country, and hailed reforms carried out in various spheres in the country and activities for improvement of the constitutional structure. He highly praised accomplishments Azerbaijan gained in energy and security spheres as well.



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