Caucasian quadrature

"A peace in the Southern Caucasus is linked with resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. But prospects of compromise between Armenia and Azerbaijan seem very remote," says the article "Caucasian quardature" published in the Polska Zbrojna newspaper by Yatsek Pototsky, the former consul general of Poland to Hong Kong, correspondent of the Japanese papers "The Tokys Shumbun," and "The Chunichi Shimbun," in Warsaw.
The author underlines the USSR collapse in 1991 influenced on current complicated situation in Armenia. The centralized soviet budget financed 78 percent of Armenian investments, while Azerbaijan obtained from Moscow only 61% and it was very little. The Soviet leadership distrusted Azerbaijanis, because they were Moslems.
USSR collapse crippled the Armenian economy. After gaining independence, a process of liberalization of economy started in Armenia and all property was captured by a certain group of people. It entailed destruction of industrial enterprises and agriculture, growing unemployment and sharp decline in living standards.
Mr. Pototsky says during the first years of its independence, Azerbaijan also endured crisis, but soon realized its oil strategy and came out of the difficult situation. The government of Azerbaijan and consortium of the world`s largest oil companies (Amoco, Unocal, Pennzoil, McDermott, British Petroleum, Statoil, Petrol Office and Lukoil) signed the "Contract of Century" in Baku, in September 1994 , which led to influx of investments to the country.
Today, Azerbaijan is rapidly developing and gained achievements in foreign policy. While Azerbaijan develops, Armenia marks the time. According to Armenian experts, time is against Armenia. A number of people, who leave the country increases from year to year.
Thank to the deliberate and balanced policy, Azerbaijan established good contacts with Russia and the West and has its own positions in the international arena. In order to demonstrate achievements, it is quite enough to highlight election of Azerbaijan as a member of the UN Council of Security.
In conclusion, the author underlines that energy resources, economic development and successful foreign policy turned Azerbaijan into the reliable partner of the world community. If Azerbaijan wants release its territories by military way nobody will prevent it.



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