Azeri FM: "We must continue to approach conflict situation in Somalia with care and sensitivity"

"We must continue to approach the conflict situation in Somalia with care and sensitivity on the basis of a comprehensive strategy aimed at and addressing the political, humanitarian and security problems in Somalia through the collaborative efforts of all states," said Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov in a UN Security Council`s meeting dedicated to Somalia.
Elmar Mammadyarov supported the African Union mission to Somalia in their efforts to overcome difficulties and to build "a secure, stable, united, democratic nation".
The Azerbaijani FM also stressed the efforts of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its member states in contributing to peace and national reconciliation in Somalia and mobilizing assistance to meet the urgent needs of the people affected by humanitarian crisis in this country.
"It is obvious that security gains cannot be consolidated. Without adequate assistance from the international community, including the provision of all necessary resources to strengthen the missions, the ability to implement the roadmap will not continue," he added.
Elmar Mammadyarov said that Azerbaijan agrees that the humanitarian situation is continuing to deteriorate in Somalia.



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