Milli Majlis First Vice-Speaker meets Finnish MPs

On January 9th First Vice-Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ziyafat Asgarov met members of the Finnish parliament. 
Asgarov briefed the parliamentarians on the history, activity, structure and international relations of Milli Majlis.
Asgarov said great opportunities exist for development of relationship between Azerbaijan and Finland. "We hope that your visit will contribute to deepening of ties between legislative bodies of the two countries." He also pointed out Azerbaijan attaches great importance to development of relations with Finland.
Touching upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the First Vice-Speaker said in the wake of Armenia`s aggressive policy more than one million Azerbaijanis were driven out from their homelands. "Armenia does not honor the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council on settlement of the problem." Asgarov called upon the Finnish parliamentarians to support Azerbaijan`s just position.
Member of the Finnish parliament Ilkka Kanerva said he visited Baku in 2008 and had fruitful meetings. He also praised the development processes in Azerbaijan.
Kanerva also underlined the importance of boosting relations between the two countries` parliaments.
On the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, he noted the problem must be settled peacefully and on the basis of norms and principles of international law.



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