Azeri vice-premier meets Finnish MPs

On January 9th Azerbaijan`s vice-premier, chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Ali Hasanov met a Finnish parliamentary delegation.
Hasanov highlighted the causes and consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts.
He said Armenia conducted ethnic cleansing in 1988-1992, expelling Azerbaijanis living there from their homelands.
"As a result 250,000 Azerbaijanis became refugees."
Hasanov also spoke of Armenia`s military aggression against Azerbaijan.
"Armenia`s military intervention in Azerbaijan saw the occupation of 20 per cent of our lands - the Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 adjacent regions. Over 1 million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs," he added.
Hasanov expressed regret over the fact that "Armenia continues to ignore resolutions by international organizations".
"In 1993 the United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions demanding an unconditional withdrawal of the Armenian Armed Forces from Azerbaijan`s occupied lands. Unfortunately, the resolutions have not yet been fulfilled, and Armenia continues to ignore them."
The Committee chairman also highlighted what the Azerbaijani government had been doing to improve the living conditions of refugees and IDPs.
Finnish MP Ilkka Kanerva stressed the importance of finding a peaceful solution to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict on the basis of international legal norms.
Hasanov and the Finnish parliamentarians also discussed prospects for boosting the Azerbaijan-Finland relations, as well as regional and world affairs.



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