Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany condemns acceptance by the French Senate of the antidemocratic bill

In connection with acceptance of the antidemocratic bill by the Senate of France about criminal punishment for negation of the so-called "genocide of Armenians" the Coordination Center of Azerbaijanis in Germany (CCAG) has made a statement. 
The Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany considers this step, causing damage both to relations of Turkey and France, and relations of Azerbaijan with France.
„It is not a political, but a historical question. Turkey always declared the readiness to open archives and involve in this question of scientists. In that case accusations of France against Turkey are far-fetched and groundless. The decision made by the French Parliament is anti-democratic. We call members of the French Parliament instead of recognition of the so-called "genocide of Armenians" to recognize the real genocide of Azerbaijanis living in Khojaly in February 1992. Being a co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, France instead of condemnation of this recent genocide and occupation of 20 % of the territory of Azerbaijan by Armenia, is engaged in events of centenary remoteness|", the Statement of CCAG says.



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