UN official Andrei Abramov: Civil society develops dynamically in Azerbaijan

Chief of the NGO branch of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Andrei Abramov, who was in Azerbaijan last month, has sent a letter to Chairman of the International Eurasia Press Fund, Umud Rahimoglu.
In the letter Abramov praises the meetings he held during the visit both officials and representatives of NGOs.
The UN official recalls his visits to Tartar and Barda regions of Azerbaijan, where he says he became closely acquainted with the hard living conditions of IDPs.
Abramov also hails the dynamic development of civil society in Azerbaijan.
He also extended congratulations on International Eurasia Press Fund`s election as coordinator of NGOs on UN.
The UN official underlined the necessity of strengthening of cooperation between NGO branch of ECOSOC and International Eurasia Press Fund.



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