Moscow hosts 3rd All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress

The 3rd All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress started in Moscow.
The event brought together chief of Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehtiyev, the head of the Russian Presidential Administration`s Department for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Sergey Vinokurov, Chairman of Russia-Azerbaijan Friendship Society Yefim Pivovar, first deputy director general of ITAR-TASS News Agency Mikhail Gusman, Azeri ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbul oglu and other prominent figures.
Chief of All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress Mammad Aliyev told of the Congress`s activity over the past 10 years.
The head of the Russian Presidential Administration`s Department for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Sergey Vinokurov read out a congratulatory letter of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to the congress participants.
Chief of Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehtiyev wished participants success and read out a letter of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev.
About 130 delegates from 72 regions of Moscow and other regions of Russia participated in the congress.
The All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress was founded in March 5 2001 with support of national leader Heydar Aliyev. The Congress implements numerous projects on bringing Russian Azerbaijanis together, protecting their rights and freedoms, popularizing cultural heritage and truth on Azerbaijan.



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