Chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly meets incoming Turkish consul

On November 21st Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov met with newly appointed consul of Turkey to this region Cenk Unal.
Talibov congratulated Unal on his appointment as the new consul of Turkey to Nakhchivan. He pointed out to existence of high level relations between the two countries in all spheres, adding these ties play the important role in regional development. Talibov underlined there are close relations between Nakhchivan and the regions of Turkey.
In turn, the Turkish consul said there is mutual trust and confidence between the two countries. Azerbaijan and Turkey has close ties in political, economic, cultural and other spheres and are strategic partners, he added.
Unal stressed he would spare no efforts to further expand relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey in all fields.



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