Ex-state Secretary of Germany rejects groundless charges of armenians

As earlier informed, the German Parliamentary Society in Berlin on July 7 held an action dedicated to the World Refugee Day. The action organized by the Germany-Azerbaijan Relations Development Center (GeFDAB) under the direction of the former state secretary of Germany Edward Lintner, was called "Prosecution and deportation is crime against humanity".
After the action, the Armenian youth organization (ZAD) accused the Germany-Azerbaijan Relations Development Center that the action ostensibly "uses the concept of refugees for their purposes". Which "purposes" - the accusers have not specified.
In reply to these groundless charges the former state secretary of Germany made a statement.{nl}

"The reproach is groundless. At the action, it was discussed the destiny of all refugees without dependence from nationality. The destiny of refugees of the Armenia-Azerbaijan war has been discussed in the action as an example of prosecution and deportation of civilians from their homelands. The goal of action was to remind to all in the world that irrespective of ethnic belonging, irrespective of origin or the imaginary reason of war, refugees and IDPs have the right to return to their native lands. And nobody has the right to impede this. And the disaster and massacre, torturing the peaceful population, injuring experiences and feebleness, loss of native land connected with prosecution and deportation - all these are consequences of war which took place also in the war in Nagorno Karabakh. Appeal to solve this conflict in line with international law and acting legal standards has nothing common with the "reproach", and, on the contrary, corresponds to recommendations of the OSCE and G8 countries.
Yours faithfully,
Edward Lintner
Ex-state secretary,
Head of GeFDAB"


Thereby, the German politician silenced the negligent and disloyal Armenian immigrants, who, instead of support of the position of the country that sheltered them and gave chance to earn and feed in peace conditions their families, cannot forget their "historical native land", the occupational policy of which does not correspond to the European values and universal morals.




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