"According to international law, Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijani territory" American politologist William Taubman

An international conference titled "National Relations After Collapse of the Soviet Union" organized by the Carnegie Fund and the US National Security Achieve took place in Moscow. 
Experts from the United States and Russia have expressed their positions on the history and the present tendencies on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
William Taubman, the American politologist, professor of political science, stated that one of the major factors that caused fall of the USSR was Mikhail Gorbachov`s weakness in regard with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Gorbachov, according to Taubman, wanted to solve the conflict peacefully, not by force. He thought by involving the intelligentsia and the internal resources of the two soviet peoples it will be possible to solve the conflict. But, later, he acknowledged that he cannot solve the conflict.
Touching upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, William Taubman stated that according to the international law, Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijani territory. According to the norms and principles of international law, the wish of the Nagorno Karabakh Armenians to join Armenia is considered separatism, the politologist stressed.



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