Belarus, Azerbaijan: large potential to expand bilateral relations

As earlier reported, a delegation led by Chairman of the House of Representatives of National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreychenko is visiting Baku. 
At the Heydar Aliyev International Airport the delegation was welcomed by the first vice-speaker of Milli Majlis (Azerbaijan Parliament) Ziyafet Askarov and other officials.
Andreychenko told journalists "Azerbaijan and Belarus are fraternal countries. The friendly relations between the heads of states, as well as the negotiations held earlier and documents signed during their reciprocal visits created opportunities for comprehensive development of bilateral relationship". The key goal of the visit, according to Andreychenko, is to expand inter-parliamentary ties.
The Belarus parliamentary delegation is said to have meetings in the Cabinet of Ministers and Parliament of Azerbaijan. They will also pay tribute to the tomb of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev at the Alley of Honors and pay respect to the Alley of Martyrs in Baku.
The visit will end on November 17.



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