Hungarian President meets Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament

On November 11th President of Hungary Pal Schmitt visited Azerbaijani Parliament where he met with the Speaker of the Parliament Ogtay Asadov.
Speaking in the meeting, Asadov praised current bilateral relations and pointed out that reciprocal visits by the Heads of State contribute to the development of cooperation. He also spoke of the role of friendship groups in the parliaments of the both countries towards strengthening ties.
On Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict Azerbaijani Speaker underlined that Armenia ignores resolutions adopted by the UN and other international organizations. He expressed hope that friendly countries would increase their efforts in order to support settlement of the conflict on the basis of the norms and principles of international law.
For his part, Hungarian President congratulated Azerbaijani people on the 20th anniversary of the restoration of state independence.
Pal Schmitt stressed role of parliaments in boosting ties and importance of reciprocal visits by the members of parliaments of the both countries.



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