Azerbaijani FM meets EU Special Representative for South Caucasus

On October 27th Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met with European Union (EU) Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Philippe Lefort and his accompanying delegation.
Lefort congratulated Azerbaijan on election as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, described it as `great` success of young state. He noted existence of enormous potential for the Azerbaijan-EU cooperation.
For his part, Mammadyarov pointed out that Azerbaijan will participate actively in the solution of international and regional problems during its term.
The Minister stressed that Azerbaijan gives special attention to cooperation with international organizations. He expressed assurance that Azerbaijan would contribute to development of multiculturalism in the world.
On Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mammadyarov underlined that settlement of this conflict is the main foreign policy priority of Azerbaijan.



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