OSCE PA`s 19th annual session underway in Oslo

The 19th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly with the theme "Rule of Law: Combating Transnational Crime and Corruption" is underway in Oslo.
Addressing the event, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Joao Soares praised Azerbaijan's activity in the organization.
The second meeting of the session highlighted ensuring gender equality and the situation in Kyrgyzstan.
Then, the session continued its work in various committees of the Parliamentary Assembly to discuss climate change, environment, energy resources, nuclear security, fight against transnational crime and corruption and other issues.
Member of Azerbaijan's parliamentary delegation Eldar Ibrahimov briefed the participants on what had been done in his country to fight crime and corruption.
Ibrahimov also touched upon the crimes committed by Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
The session will culminate in the adoption of the Oslo Final Declaration.
The Session will also elect new officers, including a new President. Joao Soares (Portugal) is stepping down as President after completing his two one-year terms. Assembly members Petros Efthymiou (Greece) and Consiglio Di Nino (Canada) have declared their candidacies to succeed President Soares.



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