"Azerbaijan gains opportunity to put its violated territorial integrity question on UN agenda", Ali Hasanov

"Taking the chance Azerbaijan first of all can put its violated territorial integrity question on agenda of the UN Security Council", commenting the election of Azerbaijan as a non-permanent member of UN SC, Ali Hasanov, the head of Department on Social Political Issues, stated.
Estimating Azerbaijan`s election as a non-permanent member of UN SC as a historical event, Hasanov said this was the evidence to improvement of the reputation of Azerbaijan on the international arena.
Ali Hasanov said: "Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity has been violated. The country has over million refugees and IDPs. Return of these people to their homelands has become a problem of the international organizations. The Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict remains unsolved. Taking the opportunity of being a non-permanent member of UN Security Council during two years, Azerbaijan can demand to restore the principles of international law."
At his words, Azerbaijan has for many years been pursuing the policy of peace and progress and propagates restoration of the principles of international law. "Azerbaijan basing on bilateral and multilateral relations with the foreign states develops this policy on the ground of interstate civil relations. The country therefore prevailed in voting at the UN SC and became a UN SC non-permanent member", Ali Hasanov emphasized.



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