Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament meets Indonesia`s Chairman of Constitutional Court

On October 21st Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament Ogtay Asadov met the visiting Chairman of Indonesia`s Constitutional Court Mohammad Mahfud.
Speaking of bilateral relations between the two countries, Asadov said expansion of relations with Indonesia is a part of the country`s foreign policy. The historically common values promote strengthening of the relations, he stressed.
Asadov underlined the cooperation in political, economic and other fields. He expressed gratitude for support of Azerbaijan in fair settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, noting the role of parliament diplomacy in development of interstate relations.
Chairman of Indonesia`s Constitutional Court Mohammad Mahfud expressed hope that the meetings and discussions in Baku would be useful to strengthen bilateral relations.
Parties widely discussed the role of parliament diplomacy, increase of number of reciprocal visits, stressed the necessity of support of each other on the international organizations.



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