Azerbaijan`s Premier meets Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration

On October 19th Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met Ecuadorian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration Ricardo Armando Patino Aroca.
Rasizade underlined the importance of the Ecuadorian Minister`s visit to Azerbaijan for exploration of the opportunities of cooperation.
The Prime Minister spoke of the ongoing reforms in Azerbaijan, directions of the country`s foreign policy.
According to him, Azerbaijan is among those countries which are developing rapidly.
Rasizade also briefed the Ecuadorian Minister on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
Ricardo Armando Patino Aroca, in turn, highly appreciated the ongoing reconstruction work in Azerbaijan.
He said the purpose of his visit to Baku was to discuss prospects for development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Ecuador. The Minister noted his country was interested in development of relations with Azerbaijan in all spheres.



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