Chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly meets head of OSCE Office in Baku

On October 17th chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov met with head of the OSCE Office in Baku Koray Targay.
Talibov congratulated Targay on his appointment as head of the OSCE Office in Baku and wished successes in his activity.
The Chairman of the Supreme Assembly expressed satisfaction with development of relations between Nakhchivan`s relevant bodies and OSCE Office in Baku during the tenure of former head of the Office Ali Bilge Cankorel.
He underlined the importance of joint projects implemented in various fields.
Talibov praised economic, political and democratic development in Azerbaijan.
The Chairman said the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic established mutually beneficial cooperative relationship with international organizations.
He expressed confidence relations between Nakhchivan and the OSCE Office in Baku would further be fruitful.
Koray Targay said it was his first visit to the Autonomous Republic.
The diplomat expressed satisfaction with the social and economic achievements of Nakhchivan.
The head of the OSCE Office said during his tenure he would spare no efforts to contribute to expanding cooperation between the Organization and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic even more.
During the meeting, they discussed current state of and prospects for cooperation between the Office and Autonomous Republic.





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