Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis meets Kuwaiti MPs

On October 17th Speaker of the Azerbaijan Parliament, Milli Majlis, Ogtay Asadov met members of the Kuwait-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship Group.
Asadov expressed confidence that reciprocal visits would contribute to boosting relationship between the two countries even more.
He noted high-level political relations between Azerbaijan and Kuwait create good opportunities for expansion of economic cooperation, as well.
Asadov also praised the two countries` cooperation in international organizations. He thanked the Kuwaiti government for supporting Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.
Head of the Kuwait-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship Group Waleed Musaid Al-Tabtabae said "our states and peoples are bound by common values, friendly relations. There is mutual trust between the two countries and this is very important for development of bilateral relationship."
Waleed Musaid Al-Tabtabae condemned Armenia`s aggressive policy against Azerbaijan, stressing that Kuwait would always support Azerbaijan`s position on settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
The sides also underlined the fact that the two countries` parliamentarians share the same position in international organizations on issues that serve common interests.



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