Turkish Defense Minister meets Azerbaijani Premier

On October 13th, visiting Turkish Minister of National Defence Ismet Yilmaz met Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade. 
Rasizade said friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey were developing in all fields, including military one.
The Azeri PM underlined Turkey always supports the military build-up in Azerbaijan.
Rasizade expressed assurance your visit, talks held and decisions made would help elevate bilateral relations to a higher level.
The Turkish Minister of National Defense thanked the Prime Minister for hospitality.
İsmet Yilmaz conveyed the greetings of the Turkish Prime Minister to Artur Rasizade.
The Defense Minister recalled his previous visits to Azerbaijan, adding he had eye-witnessed big development in Baku.
Mr. Yilmaz congratulated the Prime Minister and Azerbaijani people on the 20th anniversary of independence.
During the meeting, they discussed prospects for cooperation between the two countries in all fields.





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