Azerbaijan to discuss draft Law on political parties with Venice Commission

Head of Socio-Political Department at the Azerbaijani President`s Administration, Ali Hasanov, has said the country`s draft Law on political parties will be discussed with the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. 
"It is high time we freed political parties from domestic and foreign dependence. The government can use its resources for funding the parties," Hasanov told journalists.
"The discussions on the draft law will be held at the Venice Commission. The project was developed by the Presidential Administration and sent to the Venice Commission. With the Venice Commission`s recommendations in mind, the discussions of the project must finish in 3 or 4 days. The bill will further be sent to parliament. It`s adoption is a necessity."
Hasanov referred to international practice, saying many countries practiced the funding of political parties.
"The main model used by most of these countries is the participation of political parties in the elections and number of votes they win. And parties which do not participate in elections do not receive funding. In our draft law that we sent to the Venice Commission participation in elections is considered one of the key principles under which parties will receive funding."
"And there is a number of opinions on the methodology of allocating the funding to parties. These options will be clarified after the discussions with the Venice Commission," he noted.
Hasanov added: "In general, the parties which play a role in society building, serve statehood ideas and reflect national and moral values will not be left aside the government funding."





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