Nagorno Karabakh conflict discussed as part of OSCE PA`s fall session

As part of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly`s fall session in Dubrovnik, Croatia, discussions were held on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict. 
OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs spoke at the meeting, chaired by the Assembly`s President Joao Soares.
U.S. co-chair of the Group Robert Bradtke said the mediator countries spare no efforts to achieve peace in the South Caucasus region.
The Diplomat said they saw solution to the problem on the basis of three principles: non-use of force, territorial integrity of states and right of peoples to self-determination.
Bradtke also said they were working on resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict on the basis of six elements: withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces from the regions around Nagorno Karabakh, giving transitional status to Nagorno Karabakh, ensuring direct communication between Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, final settlement of legal status of Nagorno Karabakh, return of refugees and IDPs to their homes, providing international security guarantees and carrying out peacemaking operations in the region.
Russian co-chair Igor Popov said solution to the problem was possible only through diplomatic channels. Popov noted the Russian leadership was making serious efforts to settle the conflict. He also said peace could only be achieved on the basis of political will of the sides.





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