Azerbaijan internal minister meets head of OSCE Baku Office

Azerbaijani minister of internal affairs, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov received the head of the OSCE Baku Office Koray Torgay.
Usubov praised the cooperation between the Interior Ministry and the OSCE.
He said that the Ministry has established close cooperation with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Baku office of the organization and its other missions, located in several countries.
He said over the last few years, various events organized by the OSCE have been attended by over 2,000 employees of the Ministry.
Usubov highlighted the criminal situation in the country, as well as reforms undertaken by law-enforcement agencies.
Torgay said the co-operation of the OSCE Office in Baku with the Interior Ministry gives practical results in all spheres.
He said the OSCE is interested in improving police activities and will also continue its support in this process.



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