Azerbaijan`s first deputy prime minister meets CIS courier communication services officials

Azerbaijan`s first deputy prime minister Yagub Eyubov met participants of the 29th meeting of the CIS Coordinating Council of the Intergovernmental Courier Communications Service.
Eyubov highlighted Azerbaijan`s cooperation with CIS counties.
He spoke of Azerbaijan`s economic achievements, saying the country has become the regional leader.
The deputy premier touched upon the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, saying developing military and defense potential and strengthening frontier security was one of the key priorities for his country`s government.
Eyubov touched upon courier service, saying the Azerbaijani government attaches a particular emphasis to developing the sector.
Chairman of the CIS Coordinating Council of the Intergovernmental Courier Communications Service Gennady Kornienko praised the organization of the Baku meeting.
He said the council will continue its work in Gabala.







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