ECO, ASEAN gatherings to be held in Turkey or Azerbaijan

The gatherings of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2012 are likely to be held in Turkey, or Azerbaijan, Ahmed Davutoglu, foreign minister of Turkey told a new conference in New York.
Noting that official Ankara intends to create a large economic cooperation space to cover the entire Asia, Davutoglu said according to the decision the foreign ministers adopted in New York, these questions may be discussed in Turkey or Baku.
Ankara and Washington have established a global anti-terror forum comprising 30 countries, Davutoglu underlined.
At his words, he had a series of useful bilateral meetings with his counterparts, including Azerbaijan`s Mammadyarov. "The friends of mediation" group initiated by Turkey and Finland will make certain contribution to conflict solution and global peace, Davutoglu stressed.



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