"The Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be settled on the basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity"

"The Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be settled on the basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity," said Roberto Mario Mouilleron, head of the Azerbaijan-Argentina interparliamentary friendship group, chief of the permanent commission on labor legislation at the Argentine Chamber of Deputies.
In a meeting with members of the Azerbaijani parliament`s (Milli Majlis) Committee on International Relations and Interparliamentary Ties Roberto Mario Mouilleron said "We understand the problem Azerbaijan is facing, and condemn the occupation of its territories".
He also pointed out during the visit the Argentine parliamentarians had held fruitful meetings and got very much information about Azerbaijan. The Argentine MP expressed hope that the visit would contribute to expanding relations not only between the two countries` parliaments, but also peoples.
Member of the Milli Majlis Committee on International Relations and Interparliamentary Ties, Asim Mollazade said relations between Azerbaijan and Argentina were developing in various spheres. Mollazade also spoke of the rapid development in Azerbaijan since the country regained independence in 1991. He also briefed the delegation on the ongoing major projects in the region, as well as Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
Mollazade said official Yerevan supports terrorism at a state level. "But the world countries do not recognize Armenia as an aggressor yet."
The sides also discussed other issues of mutual interest.



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