Azeri Speaker meets California`s senator

On September 27th Speaker of the Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met with visiting Chair of the California Senate Environmental Quality Committee Joseph Simitian.
Asadov pointed out the people and leadership of Azerbaijan put special emphasis on development of relationship with the United States. According to him, the trade turnover between the two countries has reached 1.2 bln dollars over the past six months. The two countries have so far signed over 70 documents. He noted the nations effectively cooperate in counter-terrorism and energy security fields. The Speaker highlighted the role of reciprocal visits in deepening cooperation, adding the visit of the California Senate`s delegation would give a kick-start to bilateral relationship.
The speaker underlined interparliamentary cooperation takes interstate relations forward. He expressed hope that senators would learn more about history, economy, culture, successful oil strategy and political situation in the country.
Asadov said Azerbaijan is the region`s most rapidly developing country. He labeled Nagorno-Karabakh problem as an `obstacle` to integration processes and progress in the region.
Senator SImitian underlined the role of the visit for getting to know more about Azerbaijan. He pointed out the State of California is keen on building good relations with Azerbaijan.
The Senator expressed hope for the soonest and fair resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh dispute.
Present at the meeting were head of the US-Azerbaijan working group for interparliamentary ties Samad Seyidov, member of the group Fuad Muradov, head of the Milli Majlis administration Safa Mirzayev, US ambassador to Azerbaijan Matthew Bryza.



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