Azerbaijani Foreign Minister meets with OSCE MG co-chairs in New York

Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with the co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group Yuri Merzlyakov of Russia, Bernard Fassier of France and Robert Bradtke of the United States, as well as with Andrzej Kasprzyk, Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, where the 63rd session of UN General Assembly is held.
In the meeting, discussed were the issues of concern in the context of the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The sides noted the necessity of activation of the negotiation process.
Mammadyarov regretfully noted that Armenia rejected the renewed Madrid principles, and thus, has put the negotiation process under threat. Essential progress is possible in the case when the Armenian side will accept official document presented by the OSCE MG co-chair countries in December 2009 to Azerbaijan and Armenia.
In the meeting, also was expressed common understanding that the established status-quo doesn`t satisfy both Azerbaijan and international community and it was reflected in the relevant document adopted in Deauville, France. Basing on the mutual agreement reached on a number of principles of the settlement process, Azerbaijan proposes to start the work on the peace agreement.
Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan emphasized that Armenia must understand the necessity of withdrawal of its troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan as it will lead to peace and stability in the region.



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