Euronest Parliamentary Assembly`s 1st session starts in Strasbourg

The first session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly started in Strasbourg on September 14tth.
At the first day of the session, the participants exchanged views on a number of issues, including human rights, democracy, economic integration and energy security.
A recommendation document on the Eastern Partnership Summit, to be held in Warsaw on September 29-30, and the Assembly`s work plan for 2011-2012 will be adopted on Thursday at the session.
Head of the Azerbaijani parliament`s delegation to the Assembly, Elkhan Suleymanov, Chief of Milli Majlis Committe on Legal Policy and State Building Ali Huseynov, MPs Malahat Ibrahimqizi, Rasim Musabayov, Faraj Quliyev, Sevinj Huseynova, Rovshan Rzayev, Azer Karimli, Fuad Muradov and Asim Mollazade are participating in the session.



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