Azeri, Uzbek internal ministers discuss bilateral relations

Azerbaijani minister of internal affairs Ramil Usubov met his Uzbek counterpart Bahadur Matlyubov to discuss bilateral relations.
The Uzbek minister stressed the necessity of intensifying reciprocal visits and meetings for developing the bilateral relations.
"Reciprocal visits by presidents Islam Karimov and Ilham Aliyev have played an important role in deepening the relations between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan. And our cooperation is being successfully developed," he underlined.
Matlyubov highlighted the activity of Uzbekistan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular anti-terrorism operations.
Usubov praised the role of national leader Heydar Aliyev`s and Uzbek president Islam Karimov`s contribution to "bringing our relations to today`s level".
The Azeri minister highlighted what has been done in his country to fight against organized crime.
Usubov also touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, saying Armenia continues the occupation of Azerbaijan`s lands.
"Twenty percent of our territories are still under Armenia`s occupation. And we face a refugee and IDPs problem."
Usubov thanked the Uzbek government for supporting Azerbaijan`s position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.



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