Uruguay`s MFA: "Uruguay honors principles of international law and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan"

Making attempts to give out the desired for the reality, the Armenian mass media have once again distorted the information to deceive the international community.
As earlier reported, the Armenian mass media have disseminated information that at the meeting initiated by the Armenian "Ay Dat" Committee in the South America and the Uruguay-Armenia parliamentary group dedicated to the Armenian-Uruguayan relations, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay Luis Almagro, speaking about the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, has allegedly supported recognition of the separatist regime of Nagorno Karabakh.
"The embassy of Azerbaijan in Buenos Aires has already contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay. In conversation with the ambassador of Azerbaijan in Buenos Aires Mammad Ahmedzade, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Uruguay Roberto Karreras has underlined that his country honors the principles of international law and backs territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and mediation activity of the OSCA Minsk group", press service of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan said.
The embassy of Azerbaijan in Buenos Aires continues to study the case.



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