Israel media: Lieberman plan on Turkey may sever ties with Azerbaijan

Following the reports of Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman planning series of retribution measures against Turkey involving support for Kurds and Armenians published in Yedioth Ahronoth, Izrus website has published an article, questioning the logics of the plan.
Izrus believes Yedioth Ahronoth daily misrepresented actual facts behind the Foreign Minister`s intent.
According to Izrus, despite the reports of Israeli FM`s readiness to offer support in international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the step would spell the rupture of Jerusalem- Baku ties.
"Azerbaijan remains the sole strategic partner of Israel in Muslim world, with Lieberman as the main initiator of the alliance. This is the reason Lieberman- led party kept blocking the attempts of Meretz and partnering parties to achieve Knesset adoption of the Armenian Genocide resolution," Izrus notes.







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