Azeri PM meets Astrakhan Region`s Governor

On September 8th Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade met with Governor of Russia`s Astrakhan Region Aleksandr Zhilkin.
The Azerbaijani Premier extended condolences on human losses as a result of the air crash tragedy near Yaroslavl city of Russia.
Rasizade highlighted existence of deeply-rooted historic ties between Azerbaijan and Astrakhan region, adding such visits would contribute to expansion of economic, cultural, tourism ties.
The Azerbaijani Premier briefed the official of Astrakhan on the economic achievements of the country. He noted the Azerbaijani government pays special attention to the development of non-oil sector, especially agriculture. According to him, Azerbaijan has become an exporter of agricultural products and great infrastructure projects have been implemented in the country.
On Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh problem Rasizade noted that Armenian aggression resulted in occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijan`s territory and displacement of over one million Azerbaijanis.
He thanked Zhilkin for erection of a monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev in the city of Astrakhan.
In his turn, Zhilkin said relations between Azerbaijan and Astrakhan region fall short of existing potential. He said `good` conditions have been created for Azerbaijani businessmen to operate in Astrakhan. The governor of Astrakhan also added that there is a great need in the import of agriculture products from Azerbaijan.
Zhilkin stressed Russia supports peaceful settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
The governor of Astrakhan region noted "oil and gas production in the region has developed, but staff shortage problem exists in this field".
Zhilkin also expressed his pleasure with Azerbaijani diaspora`s activity in Astrakhan.
An agreement on trade-economic, scientific-technical and cultural cooperation between Azerbaijan and Astrakhan Region of Russia was signed at the end of the meeting. The document was signed by Deputy Premier Yagub Eyyubov and Astrakhan governor Zhilkin.



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