Azerbaijan attaches great importance to cooperation with UN, Agshin Mehdiyev

"The United Nations (UN) is the greatest organization in the world and Azerbaijan attaches much importance to cooperation with the UN", Azerbaijan`s permanent representative to UN Agshin Mehdiyev said.
Speaking on Armenia`s ignoring four UN Security Council Resolutions, which envisage withdrawal of Armenian troops the occupied Azerbaijani territories, the Azerbaijani envoy pointed to existence of double standard policy in this case.
"Three out of five UN Security Council countries are co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, and the world community is trying to continue the process of settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict at the OSCE level. In his turn, Azerbaijan spares no efforts towards bringing realities of the conflict to the world`s notice at the level of other international organizations and structures," Mehdiyev added.
The Azerbaijani envoy also noted "there are many Muslim countries in the UN, but there is still the Armenian factor. We take this into account and continue our work. Some UN member countries lack true information about Azerbaijan, and we`re doing a great job in this direction. 30 UN members supported our position during discussion of the resolution on the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh at the UN General Assembly. I have no doubt more countries will support Azerbaijan this time".



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